Advanced Analytics

Quick analytics

Instantly visualize the performance of each variation at a glance, making decision-making easy and straightforward.

Experiments results
Engagement curve - optimizing KPIs

Refine your copy to improve your KPIs

Copywriting directly impacts your website’s success. Sharpen your copy to match your customers’ needs and see real results.



Understand what resonates with your audience, leading to more clics, longer sessions, and increased interaction.

User Behaviour

User behaviour

The right words can guide users to take specific actions, from signing up for a newsletter to exploring more pages.


Boost user conversion

Small changes in copy can lead to significant improvements in conversion rates.

Basic experiments

Whether you’re testing a single word, a call-to-action, or an entire paragraph, Gleef is designed to make it easy.

Select any text on your website, set up variations, define success metrics, and launch your experiment—all in a few clics.

Get fast results to resolve internal debates and boost your KPIs.

Steps to launch an experiment
Advanced experiments

Advanced experiments

For advanced experiments, select each instance you want to experiment.

Define the new variations for each element, which will be shown to users simultaneously.

Quickly identify the layout that drives the highest engagement and maximizes performance.

One platform experiments & insights

Gleef provides a simple, on-site interface to manage, monitor, and create experiments in real-time.

Dashboard all experiments

Monitor your experiments

Once created, you can easily monitor your experiments.

Personalized Campaigns

Need to pause the experiment due to specific conditions? With just one clic, you can pause and restart it anytime.

Advanced Reports
From draft to live

Every experiment you create is saved as a draft, ready for you to launch whenever you’re ready.

Analyze experiment results

Quickly and easily manage your results to make data-driven decisions on your copy.

Advanced Reports
Automatic significance

Automatically receive notifications when your experiment reaches statistical significance, ensuring your results are reliable. Learn more in our documentation.

Take decision

Once you identify the best-performing variation, seamlessly implement it on your website. Coming soon with Gleef.

Experiments results